Dear Teo,
We just celebrated your second Christmas. This year feels more festive to me than any since I was a little kid myself. You have been so excited about the tree, lights, presents and decorations.
On Christmas morning when you woke up, you jumped out of bed and pulled me up, half asleep, to turn on the Christmas tree lights. You seemed to know, somehow, that it was a special day.
Your Papa found a pattern online for a Christmas stocking and I made them. They turned out great! I think we'll do some sort of craft project each year, and that way we'll end up with a lot of nice hand-made decorations.
On Christmas Eve, we put out cookies for Santa (Nutmeg Sugar Cookies with Eggnog Icing!). You helped me bake them. When you saw the empty plate in the morning, you made the sign for "all gone."
On Christmas morning when you woke up, you jumped out of bed and pulled me up, half asleep, to turn on the Christmas tree lights. You seemed to know, somehow, that it was a special day.
You helped unwrap the gifts, and then enjoyed playing with your new toys. Your big gift this year was a wooden parking garage with wooden trucks and heavy equipment, which I think you'll be fascinated by for years to come.
I had two weeks off work this month, so we've had time for a lot of play dates with other kids. One day, we met up with friends at Bounce, a gymnastics facility.
Another day, we made mozzarella cheese with two of my teacher/mommy friends (well, I made cheese, and you were my taste tester).
One evening, we went to Oceana's school for a Harvest Party. Oce was proud to show off her classroom. The children helped prepare all of the food they served. The teacher said that Oce did the most work fixing the food, and that she really loves to cook. We got her a cookbook for Christmas, and she was immediately engrossed (just like I am with a new cookbook!).
I think you will love cooking, too. You have started helping me make our hot cereal in the morning. You scoop the oats with a measuring cup and pour them in the pan. And you have helped me make stew by putting the veggies in the pot. You also use lots of sounds and gestures to remind me that the stove is hot.
In the kitchen cupboard |
Your other current interest is belly buttons. When you meet someone new, you generally want to make sure they have a belly button before you're willing to get too friendly with them. You lift your shirt to show yours and then point to the other person's belly and makes the sign for "where?"
We've gotten different responses from this. I'm noticing that a lot of people are not willing to flash their belly button, much to your disappointment. I think it's kind of a cool greeting - a way of saying, "see - we're both human, we've both got this funny little thing in our middle, we're the same." Maybe you'll start a new trend.
With love to our greatest blessing,
Mama and Papa